

音乐-making in the 较低的学校 is an active process where children begin their journeys as singers, 乐器演奏家, 搬家公司, 和创造者. Students learn music similar to the way one acquires a new language; music is primarily taught by ear, with students experiencing and creating music before they learn to read and write musical notation. All students have access to a comprehensive and varied curriculum centered on popular music, 世界音乐, 以及器乐教学.




星期三早上7:15 - 8:00.m.
较低的学校 Orchestra is an instrumental ensemble at Pike for students who play or would like to learn how to play a string instrument like the violin, 中提琴, 大提琴, 或者低音提琴. 在这个群体中, both beginners and non-beginners get to learn how to play string instruments in an ensemble setting. 学生将有机会学习各种类型的音乐, 并在年底开一场音乐会.

星期一下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
这是一个为3 - 5年级学生而设的初级儿童合唱团, 不管之前的声乐经验如何. 在这个群体中, 学生们学习如何合唱和两声部合唱, 并发展唱歌的基本技能,如姿势, 呼吸, 语气, 用语, 和混合. Students in this group learn moveable Do solfege and how to read notation and learn 歌曲 using a vocal score, 歌词本, 靠耳朵. 这个团体每年12月演出三次, 五月, 以及在学校特殊活动期间.

佳美兰睡狐(3 - 6年级)
星期四下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
佳美兰睡狐是一个面向3 - 6年级学生的巴厘佳美兰乐团. This group focuses on learning about and performing traditional Balinese music on a four-语气 instrument set called the gamelan angklung. 这个团体每年在学校最后一个完整的星期演出一次.



In the 上学校 emphasis is put on reading and writing music and understanding musical symbols and vocabulary. 学生从历史的角度学习音乐,体验不同流派的音乐.

在车库乐队应用程序的帮助下, students learn to create music in a digital environment and be able to develop their individual musical skills. Students have a chance to see and use the techniques that help create the music they listen to on a regular basis.




星期一下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
pikeapella是一个为喜欢唱歌的学生组成的课后合奏团. 在这个群体中, 第二课,学生学习合唱的基本原理, 3, 四声部和声, 无伴奏和无伴奏, 培养他们作为表演者的信心. Students have the opportunity to work with special guest artists and perform throughout the year. 学生将有各种各样的表演机会,无论是在学校还是课后.

星期二下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
在这个群体中, 学生通过实验学习桶鼓和垃圾鼓, 作文, 和协作. Students will learn how to arrange music for percussion using varied mediums and will learn how to document their ideas with traditional and non-traditional notation. All of the music prepared by the students will be shared in an end-of-year performance in June.

星期一下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
这是一个为3 - 5年级学生而设的初级儿童合唱团, 不管之前的声乐经验如何. 在这个群体中, 学生们学习如何合唱和两声部合唱, 并发展唱歌的基本技能,如姿势, 呼吸, 语气, 用语, 和混合. Students in this group learn moveable Do solfege and how to read notation and learn 歌曲 using a vocal score, 歌词本, 靠耳朵. 这个团体每年12月演出三次, 五月, 以及在学校特殊活动期间.

周五下午3:30 - 4:30.m.
Pitch Pikes is an advanced choral ensemble for students looking for extra singing challenges. 我们做无伴奏合唱曲目,通常是高中水平的. Students in this ensemble are comfortable with singing in harmony and holding their own part. 学生将有各种各样的表演机会,无论是在学校还是课后. 除了, students will have the opportunity to work with special guest artists and perform throughout the year.

星期二下午3:30 - 4:30.m. & 星期四早上7点至8点.m.
高中管弦乐团是为已经会拉小提琴的学生组成的器乐合奏团, 中提琴, 或大提琴. 我们每周见面两次,星期二下午和星期四上午. 在这个群体中, 我们从事各种类型和时期的音乐,包括古典音乐, 巴洛克式的, 浪漫的, 民间, 电影音乐, 和更多的. 在这个合奏团中,我们努力发展强大的音乐技能. We play music in a large variety of keys and tempos, and we work to develop ensemble skills. Students will have opportunities to work with guest artists and professional musicians and will have a variety of performance opportunities, 在学校和课后.